The story begins...
Superheroes may come, and they may go. They may flash across the screen, or be glimpsed fleetingly on a poster, or grace the pages of a comic book; they may steal the spotlight and capture our imagination for a brief moment…
But only a select few will stand the test of time, weather the storm, and rise above the rest to leave their mark on the annals of history; to stand atop the mountain, gazing triumphantly across the vastness of the cosmos… only but a few……
Unfortunately, Malcolm Ferroid isn’t one of them!!
Oh well! But he’s still pretty ok though! …just your regular humanoid space worker, going about his day-to-day routines…
THIS IS THE SECOND EPISODE in the story of a cosmic journeyman from a planet near the center of the galaxy who has been commissioned with the task of monitoring the comings and goings of alien visitors to planet Earth and to eradicate any invasive species if necessary.
In the process of conducting this ongoing mission, he winds up in a lot of wild and unexpected situations, often having to resort to clever and sometimes drastic measures in order to resolve these many conflicts!
Yet beneath his seemingly indifferent and somewhat detached demeanor, lies a passionate soul who is always seeking to analyze the true meaning of life as he strives to attain a higher spiritual connection with the universe, forever searching for that spark of knowledge… that glimmer of hope… that seed of wonderment and joy at the miracle of creation itself…. well, that is until you piss him off of course, in which case all that crap goes right out the window!
This is the beginning of an epic saga, as seen through the eyes of
one of the most intriguing characters you’ll ever encounter in the realm of sci-fi…
The indubitable Cyad-M….. a.k.a. Malcolm Ferroid!
You can click on these links to read the entire first two episodes of Malcolm Ferroid!
• Episode #1 – All In A Day’s Work
• Episode #2 – Isle Of Confusion
There’s lots more to come! Be sure to drop us a note and let us know your thoughts!