
The Malcolm Ferroid saga was conceived by Vancouver artist/musician Anthony (Tony) Bosley. This story had been developing in his mind for over three decades, with the scope of the saga growing deeper, wider and more complex with each passing year. After he found himself sketching bits and pieces of the story randomly on napkins or the backs of envelopes, he finally decided to start creating the story sequentially in comic book format.  Doing it this way would mean there would be no requirement for 3D modeling or CGI, which can be very time-consuming of course, and also a comic book format could double as a storyboard if ever the saga were to go into production.

Whatever the case, this character, Cyad-M, with his cohorts, Exo and Thop, are on a mission.  They have been stationed by Setra Sikordis to closely monitor a planet in the outreaches of the galaxy which is home to an evolving human species.

That planet of course is Earth.

For the record, Cyad-M is a member of a race of humanoids (Meirans) from a planet near the center of the galaxy (Telactus).  This race of Meirans were initially the result of genetic engineering by scientists from the Corpelis Empire, specifically bred to work as space workers and warriors. They exhibit incredible strength, resiliance and agility, and possess the ability to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations as well as cosmic and gamma rays in space.

BUT….  that was a long, long time ago.  After the fall of Corpelis, this race of Meirans abandoned the cities and began living and breeding in great hives located in wild, remote regions of Telactus. Many generations later, the strongest among them were enscripted as soldiers into the great armies of Setra Sikordis, where they would undergo a rigorous training schedule lasting several sequors (Telac years). These highly trained Meirans were referred to as “Cyads”.


How did Cyad-M wind up stationed in orbit around Earth?

Well we’re so glad you asked!

Cyad-M served under the Setra Sikordis military machine for many sequors.  Following a promotion to Elite Mercenary Status he was eventually granted extra privileges whereby he was allowed to choose his own missions.

At around 220 sequors post-Corpelis, he became aware that Centurium had openings for Cyads to work as sentinels, guarding fledgling humanoid colonies in the outer reaches of the Grand Pinwheel (our galaxy).

Needing a break from the seemingly endless battles and missions, and having had his share of gut-wrenching misery, death and destruction, M decided to apply for this mission, and to his surprise was granted a post at B-14H2 (Earth), where he would be able to lead a relatively peaceful existence taking care of this small out-of-the-way planet.

He was supplied with a clandestine space station, a range of xenods who would act as his crew, along with enough hardware and weapons to mobilize a small army, and and thus began his mission as an Earth Sentinel.

That's the quick synopsis. 

There’s a lot more to it than that, but you’re not here to read a damn history book so let’s get on with the story at hand.  You can always catch up on the details later.

So for episode 1, “All In A Day’s Work”, which is featured in full on this website of course, we plunge directly into the middle of one of M’s typical missions.  This particular mission took place when he was relatively new to Earth and was still getting the lay of the land, while developing a rapport with his Xenod crew members.

So there are lots of thrills and spills ahead!  Have fun!  And be sure to give us your feedback if you get a chance.